Mission Statement
About Us
Day Care Info
Contact Us

Designed by CHASE INTERACTIVE - Find us on TownLink!
The Mission of Soft Voices is to operate as a primary provider
of an important community service.

We seek to provide high quality child care and age-appropriate education
for children and families.

We believe that a positive start during the first five years of life is critical
to a child's future and development.

We believe that each child is unique and deserves respect.

We believe that having an ethnically diverse clientele and staff
lead to a richer experience for all.

We seek to provide a positive work environment,
treating our staff as professionals, and paying reasonable wages and
providing generous benefits, and by allowing them autonomy in the caring
and teaching of children.

We seek to provide an environment that is rich in language,
art and sensorial exploration, thus complimenting the child's home life.

We seek to provide ample opportunities for children
to practice self expression and develop their social skills.

We seek to provide a sense of community among the families served by our day care.
Interested in learning more about us?
Contact Us