Mission Statement
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Day Care Info
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Designed by CHASE INTERACTIVE - Find us on TownLink!
Soft Voices Day Care was founded by Frances Tatum, current President, in 2007 with the dream and goal of providing quality day care to the community.

Ms. Tatum has been of the belief that the key to successful learning for a child is a combination of sensitive and caring care providers and supportive parents who are involved with the child's learning at home.

Soft Voices Day Care from it's inception set out as one of it's goals to meet the needs of parents in the community in a
multi-cultural and diverse setting.

This goal would be obtained by providing enjoyable, safe and protective surroundings, where the child can explore and develop new abilities through outside and inside free play with age appropriate toys and interesting outings.

The team at Soft Voices Day Care commits itself to insure that your child will explore sight, sound and touch, in a caring environment that will develop your child's confidence and self-control.
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